Welcome to Becoming a Stepmom!

26 10 2008

Welcome to the Becoming a Stepmom blog! You’ll find valuable information that can help you become a happy, peaceful stepmother. Here is some of what you can expect to see: 

  • Inspirational stories from veteran stepmoms
  • Educational tools and tips for you and your family
  • Advice from leading marriage and family professionals
  • Stepmom Q & A’s
  • A place to connect with other stepmoms

There’s no doubt about it. Becoming a stepmom is one of the more challenging things a woman can do. And there are times when you might feel stretched to the breaking point. But there are resources that can help. In a country where the stepfamily structure is believed to be the dominant family form, you are absolutely not alone

I want to help you find a way to achieve harmony with your stepchildren. I want you to feel at home in your own home. I want you to create a solid bond with your partner. You can do it! And I hope this blog will provide you with the concrete tools you need.

As a stepmother of three kids ages 8, 11 and 13, and as a stepdaughter, I have spent a lifetime making family out of step-, half-, and blood relatives. I have seen what works in stepfamily life and what the common mistakes are. I have studied the research. I have interviewed stepfamily professionals and stepfamily members across the country.

Today I’ll share with you the single most important thing I’ve learned a stepmother must do to create a harmonious home life: You must believe it is possible. There is such a thing as an empowered stepmother. You can be one. It’s not impossible. You have a voice.

I hope you enjoy this blog. If you have questions you’d like to see addressed in Becoming a Stepmom, post a comment or email me directly. Let’s see how we can help each other. Let’s learn how to smackdown the Inner Critic that tells us we’re second best, that makes us feel guilty, that makes us feel like bad people simply because we’re stepmoms. Enough!

For those of you have received my newsletter in the past, you’ll see archived stories here plus new content and resources. Better yet, you’ll have a place where you can ask questions of me or other stepmoms, brainstorm better solutions to your sticky issues, and connect with women who can help you feel empowered. We can do this. We can create home lives that feel good. Let’s do this together.

Best wishes,

Jacquelyn B. Fletcher
Author of A Career Girl’s Guide to Becoming a Stepmom and 101smackdowns.