
Do you need help? Are you feeling silenced, hurt, betrayed, lonely, angry, taken advantage of,  lost or nervous about your future as a stepmom? Research tells us that stepmothers have the most difficult role of anyone in a stepfamily. But there are things you can do to empower yourself.

I am now available for personalized, one-on-one coaching to offer you the support, education, and inspiration you need to begin creating the stepfamily life you desire.

“Last week I was feeling utterly helpless and ready to leave. This week because of the coaching with you, I have hope again.” – Stepmom of 2


You can search through the many free articles and resources available on my website, purchase my book, or now you can work one-on-one with me to discover the answers that can help you with your particular needs. I’ll help you develop stepfamily strategies that can give you a roadmap to peace.

“Jacque, I cannot begin to express how meaningful our conversations have been. Your concern, care and encouragement has been a hopeful light during a dark and challenging time. Thank you seems very inadequate, but it is most sincere.” –Stepmom of 3

I can help you if you are struggling with:

• Building a strong relationship with your partner

• Bonding with your stepchildren

• Stepparenting dilemmas

• Managing anger, jealousy, and resentment

• Dealing with the ex

• Combining his and her sets of kids in the same house

• Handling teenage and adult stepchildren

• Adding a new child to a stepfamily

• Preparing for your wedding day

“Jacque, thank you for your continuing candor on the subject of being a stepmom…I’m finding it’s never too late to learn stepmom strategies.”


What is Coaching?
Coaching is an individual program of encouragement, learning, and solution-storming designed to help you articulate your goals and accelerate change in your life.  Coaching takes place on the telephone.

Unlike counseling, coaching is a short-term, action-oriented approach. My specialized coaching begins with an hour-long session on the telephone. Then I will work with you to design a program that best fits your goals and your budget.

I have developed my own brand of coaching that mixes several approaches. I loosely follow the Co-Active Coaching model created by the Coaches Training Institute with a dash of the Positive Psychology methods developed by Dr. Barbara Frederickson. Then I throw in research-based stepfamily information mixed with the kitchen-table wisdom I’ve gathered from the hundreds of interviews of stepmothers I’ve conducted.

My intention and mission with coaching is to inspire you to create the changes you need to make in your life by empowering you to help yourself. I do this with my unique blend of support, education, and inspiration.

“I will continue to pat myself on the back and tell myself I am doing a good job. I am doing the best job I know I can. I have also taken Jacque’s advice and forwarded it to my husband. I felt her take on what a biological parent can do to ease some of the stepparent’s stress was right on. Thanks Jacque!”


What Coaching is NOT.
Coaching is not licensed counseling or formal therapy. If you need help from a therapist please visit the National Stepfamily Resource Center.

Who am I?
I bring experience from all aspects of stepfamily life. I am a daughter, stepdaughter, stepsister, half-sister, stepmother of three children, and mother of one. I am the author of the award-winning book A Career Girl’s Guide to Becoming a Stepmom. (HarperCollins), the Co-Founder of the Stepfamily Letter Project and the host of the popular Becoming a Stepmom podcast. I was trained in stepfamily education by the National Stepfamily Resource Center and I work with the Co-Active Coaching model developed by The Coaches Training Institute. And I recently won a year-long academic fellowship to study with the Minnesota Psychoanalytic Society with the goal of learning more tools to help stepmothers.

“Fletcher readily acknowledges that the pitfalls facing recombined families are many, but her overall message is positive.”


How Long is a Session?
Sessions are 1 hour in length and take place over the telephone. The first Get to Know You session is 1 hour in length.

How Often Do We Talk?
Your custom-built program can include a session once a week, every two weeks or once a month, depending on your needs.

Are you ready to go deep?
For rates or more information, set up a free 15-minute consultation with me to see if coaching is right for you. Email becomingastepmom (at) gmail (dot) com.

Stepmom Circles Group Coaching

I also offer the Stepmom Circles Group Coaching teleclass sessions.

Each Stepmom Circles group meets for an hour and a half each week for six weeks over the telephone. Every week I lead a half-hour discussion on a particular stepfamily challenge. (Creating a strong partnership with your spouse, dealing with the ex, bonding with the stepkids, handling your negative feelings, identifying common stepfamily mistakes, discovering what successful stepfamilies know). Then we have an open talk about your particular questions and issues.

The cost of a six-week session is $250.

As a member of a Stepmom Circles coaching group you’ll receive

  • a FREE half-hour, get-to-know you consultation with me over the phone before the class begins
  • email access to me between group coaching sessions so you can ask questions that come up during the week
  • an autographed copy of my book A Career Girl’s Guide to Becoming a Stepmom

Email becomingastepmom (@) gmail (dot) com for more information or to reserve your spot in an upcoming session. Space is extremely limited.

4 responses

27 08 2010
Lisa Hathaway


I found your podcast on itunes a few weeks ago – it is saving my sanity in all reality. Thank you so much for your work.

My husband is dealing with parental alienation (mom poisoning kids against him) is there a book or specific podcast episode, or other resource you might recommend?

Bright Blessings,

9 05 2011

My 15 year old stepson and I can’t come to an agreement on curfew time. He wants to be out and not tell me where he’s going to be or whom he’ll be with. He visits his mom every weekend and has her permission to be out til 11-12a.m.
no questions asked from her part. Am I considered a strip parent? Because of this problem he says he’ll be moving back with his mother “can’t live like this” his quote.

Help please!

10 11 2011

My problem is the ex. Her son is now 21 yrs old. He is currently living with her in his apartment, and she has a vendata against me. Several months ago I posted a picture of him on facebook, and she made a very rude, insulting comment and sent it to me via email. It humilated me to the core, and since then everytime I am on facebook on his page she goes out of her way to say something very negative to me to upset me. She is playing the mother card and constantly throughing it up in my face that I don’t know what it is to be a mother because I never had any children of my own. She is always trying to insult me by calling me names, acting superior over me. I am not a evil step mother. I love her son as if he was my own, and he and I have a wonderful relationship these days. I need help in dealing with her stupidity, and insults. I leave her alone and never respond to anything she says about me on facebook, but I feel like I have to run in hide from her now days on facebook, and don’t feel free to put pictures up of me and her son on fb as well. She has made it very difficult.
I am angry at her, and I feel like she loves to bully me. What can I do?

16 04 2012
step mom of my own

I am so sorry you feel bullied by this women. I have a 17 year old stepson whom I have a good relationship with and fortunely for me when he needs help he comes to me. He knows I will try to do anything I can to help solve his problem. Unforntunely, his mother, not willing to go the extra mile for him, feels very threatened by my relationship with him. I have only wished in the past that she could acquire the relationship I have with him but she does not give the effort and therefore tries to break down my relationship with him in defense of her actions. One thing I have done to protect my relationship with him and myself worth is block her from my life. I have blocked her from email, phone, facebook etc….My husband is the only one she needs to talk to in our family and he has a cell phone. I have also made sure my stepson has a cell phone incase she needs to contact him. Having an older child, there is no need for her to contact me and therefore I take actions to support those feelings. Although I feel my situation might be different in the fact that I handle all needs for my stepson, ie: doctor, medications, school, clothes, also to include making sure child support is paid, I do not feel I owe her anything. I make sure to always give kindness to any stories or comments heard from her side of his life and feel for him or try and help him when he is having issues, such as a year of therapy. I have always remembered that it is his life I am helping and that is all.

Good Luck

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